During my professional presentations I demonstrate a skillful, powerful method called Inquiry that enables individuals and groups to find solutions to their most complex and challenging personal or workplace situations. You and your group will discover that, in one hours time, you can experience greater ease and hope and less stress about a specific issue and also see next steps for moving it forward.
During the presentation you can also expect to experience:
★ an interactive demonstration by a dynamic facilitator
✤ multiple group a-has about how to approach difficult issues
➡ your groups inherent wisdom and strength in solving problems
✴ more energy and enthusiasm for your and your groups area of expertise and/or life circumstance
My favorite demonstration topics deal with stressors, such as money, workplace issues, illness, relationship conflicts and life transitions. Let me know what stressors you and your group have, and I will be pleased to demonstrate this technique to you using your own issue.
All of my presentations are interactive and typically run 60-75 minutes long. At the beginning of my presentation, I will ask your group collectively to brainstorm what issues keep you awake at night those topics that cause you worry, confusion, and hesitancy. From this list, your group will select one issue that I will facilitate with you using the questions involved in Inquiry. I will provide some basic information on the processes we will be using and take time to answer your questions about it.
My presentations can be tailored to meet the needs of your audience. Some of my past presentation topics include:
✦ “working with difficult people”
❖ “do your thoughts sabotage your plans for change?”
๏ “coping with stressful workplace situations”
✓ “dealing with difficult workplace issues”
✤ “the enneagram’s arrows and lines”
• “using inquiry to deal with your stressful beliefs about money”
‣ “inquiry and yoga: open mind, open body, open heart”